Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bad Blogger Award

  • Sometimes I remember my blog, but then I don't do anything about it.  I finally signed on and saw that it has been a year since I wrote anything.  Bad blogger award. A lot has happened in the last year.

  • I started dating Shawn last December and it's been the best thing of my life.  We’ve been through a lot together and I think he’s the best human.

  • I finished my student teaching and it was the best experience I could've imagined.  The teachers there are some of my favorite people and the kiddos are hilarious.  I literally took hundreds of pictures there, but I don't think I can post any of them.  I found some where the kids faces aren't showing. haha 

  • In July I moved into a cute house with 3 cool roommates.  It is 5 minutes away from work and pretty rad. 

  • I had a couple of crappy summer jobs, and planned to be a paraprofessional when the school year started again.                          
  • · In August my advisor at the U gave a middle school my phone number and they needed a Special Education teacher to start in 5 days.  I wasn’t planning to apply for jobs until after I graduated, but I took the job and I’m pretty happy I did.  It’s insane right now doing my first year of teaching and finishing my last semester.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed, but I just remember that I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time and I was so lucky to have this opportunity.  I absolutely love teaching special ed. 

·         I am trying to live in the present and enjoy my life now, because it’s great.  But honestly, I can’t wait to be finished with my classes, so I can put more energy into my classroom and have a life. 

·         Life is pretty great.  I love living in Salt Lake. 
Hockey game with my boyfs.  So entertaining. 
Tubing for Shawn's work party.

Love sac with these guys.


Jazz game

Another Jazz game.

Joey helping in my student teaching classroom.

Cute little kids getting up in Tara's grill.  (student teaching)

Joey D. is an Eagle Scout

what? I love him, alright?

Belle & Sebastian

I (sort of) graduated from the University of Utah.  Really I just got to walk with my cohort in May and I will be done with my last 3 classes in December.  Good thing I'm taking Economics and Globalization to teach Special Ed. ;)

Trentley & Lindsey


We stalked L.C. on her mission in Idaho.

Wedding reception.

Another Wedding reception.

Kat dates are great.  Especially temple dates.
Bear Lake.  I just like chilling on the boat.

My badge and my first apple gift.  It was amazing.

I like making weird decorations for my classroom.  I rearrange it every 10 days.  Mostly because we don't fit into our tiny classroom, but also because I like to change stuff.  My poor little kids with wheelchairs can barely get to their desks. But the school let me pick out and order awesome tables that help a little bit.
Joey was visiting this week, so I put him in charge of Safety Sign Bingo.  Nailed it.

I've been told more than once that I look like one of the middle schoolers.  I'm okay with that.  25 years old is kind of like 12 years old, right?


  1. Are one of those wedding reception pictures from your wedding reception??? tnx 4 blogging, do it more :]

  2. I just checked your blog-- yay for blogging! do it more. kthanksbye

  3. So great to get updated on the last year of your life all at once. This is really what I wanted. My favorite picture was Joey getting his eagle. He's on a good life path.
